Student Services Fee

The Student Services Fee (SSF) covers services that benefit students, but which are complementary to, not part of, instructional programs. The fee supports services related to the physical and psychological health and well-being of students, social and cultural activities and programs, campus life and campus community, and educational and career support services.

The SSF is the same for students at all campuses in the UC system and is set by The UC Regents. At UCSF, questions about the SSF may be directed to Alece Alderson, assistant vice chancellor of Student Life.

The SSF Advisory Committee advises the chancellor on the use of student fees, institution of new fees or revision of existing fees, and the programmatic requirements of student services. Read the Committee's bylaws.

The SSF is administered according to the Guidelines for Implementing the Student Services Fee Portion of the UC Student Fee Policy.

Membership Rosters

Agendas and Meeting Minutes

Annual Financial Reports

Chancellor’s Recommended Fee Allocations


UC Student Fee Policy (external link)

Student Fee Funded Units

For any earlier reports or documents not on this website, please contact Student Life