Pillar: Transform the Learner Experience

We will transform the learner experience by building a foundation with structures and policies, building capacity by creating community and optimizing systems that serve students. We accomplish this through the lense of our guiding principles:

Expanding Reach to Increase Engagement

Optimize Systems that Serve Students

Structures and Policies Focused on the Learner

Seamless and Intentional Student Services

Strategic Initiatives

The initiatives under this pillar will be launched across the five-year period of the strategic plan. The launching initiatives are those that start in year one, 2023.

Integrate data systems - Launching Initiative

Integrating both data and applications into one comprehensive, integrated system.

Improve the culture and the graduate ecosystem (student and postdoc focused)

Redesign student engagement across the Graduate Division through new events, programs, and communication structures that improve community, equity, and inclusion across UCSF.

Establish a stronger policy structure

Create a structure to develop and document policies in SAA and GD, including student progression, student leave for military and family, and academic policies related to registration.

Create a robust central SAA-GD app and portal

Design and implement a student-centric app and portal that is accessible and responsive using modern technology linking selective critical services and apps.