Student Mental Health and Wellbeing launches to serve UCSF learners

Today we launch Student Mental Health and Wellbeing (SMHW), a unit of Student Academic Affairs that is committed to high quality, culturally responsive, holistic mental health care and wellbeing services to assist learners in achieving academic and professional success as well as lifelong health. 

SMHW is a resource for navigating personal concerns, identifying options, reducing stress and solving problems. SMHW offices remain in Parnassus and Mission Bay. 

Dr. Jeanne Stanford will serve as the interim executive director of Student Mental Health and Wellbeing. She has led our mental health services since 2017 and brings a wealth of experience, including her leadership as interim executive director for Student Health and Counseling from May 2021 to June 2022.

As Dr. Stanford reminds us, “Counseling centers must be a resource for all our learners where all are welcome and, just as importantly, all feel welcome.”

“We will continue to identify and eliminate barriers which inhibit help-seeking behavior for all communities, especially marginalized and underrepresented groups,” she said, “with recognition of the importance of the role that cultural proficiency, inclusivity, equity, and social justice play in academia as well as in mental health and wellbeing.” 

Students on the UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) can access mental health care at Student Mental Health and Wellbeing. 

Students on the UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) can now access primary care at UCSF Health, which is committed to growing core practices over the coming years. Students can select from a number of existing primary care options, and a new location in Mission Bay will open in August in the Bayfront Medical Building that is now under construction. 

For primary care services, students should complete this survey to expedite establishing care through UCSF Health. If students need assistance, they can call Student Mental Health and Wellbeing, (415) 476.1281, option 1. 

For mental health services, students can contact Student Mental Health and Wellbeing, (415) 476.1281, option 1, or can schedule a brief consultation with a counselor via